8 Dog 100
Home location: Whitehorse, Yukon
Occupation: Retired
Kennel: Skywolf
Interests/hobbies: Mushing
Mushing years: 30+
Mushing experience: Sprint racing in Ontario to sprints and mId distance races in the Yukon. The Percy DeWolfe 200 and 100, Yukon Quest 300 and 100
Another Challenge rookie... but Deb has over 30 years of mushing experience so we're delighted she has decided to head south for the 2025 Challenge. Living in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Deb has raced sprints in Ontario, and mid distance races in the Yukon... including the Percy DeWolfe 200 and 100 and the Yukon Quest 300 and 100 milers. Looks like a greyhound in her bio pic... wonder how many of those will be on her team