Home location: Eagle, Idaho USA
Occupation: Retired
Kennel: Three Dog Ranch
Interests/hobbies: Dogs, Outdoor pursuits, machinery
Mushing years: 20
Mushing experience: I participated in Mid distance mushing for many years. At one point allowed my dogs to age out and stopped for a few years. A few years ago I got a pair of well bred Alaskans and started dryland scooter racing (yes, it is an actual, recognized sport). The two led to three and then 4 and then 5 and that’s how it always starts. I have also served as a race judge and race marshal for a number of races. Was pleased to see a 100 mile race with a six dog class so we signed up!
Challenge Rookie... but definitely not a mushing rookie... a huge warm welcome goes out to Rick who will join us from Eagle, Idaho, USA. Rick was Race Marshal for the Idaho Sled Dog race this year (2024) and has been a Race judge for the Eagle Cap Extreme too. He says he is 'retired', but describes his interests as 'dogs, outdoor pursuits and machinery', having over 20 years of mushing experience.
In his own words Rick says ' I participated in Mid distance mushing for many years. At one point allowed my dogs to age out and stopped for a few years. A few years ago I got a pair of well bred Alaskans and started dryland scooter racing (yes, it is an actual, recognized sport). The two led to three and then 4 and then 5 and that’s how it always starts. I have also served as a race judge and race marshal for a number of races.