Canadian Challenge

Dan Kirkup


As well as being the Challenge Race President, Dan finds time to run his family business as a glass fabricator in Saskatoon. He has also found a new passion and for the last couple of years has been building his sled dog kennels. He ran his first race this year and he will be a Challenge Rookie for 2024. Dan is a talented builder and woodsman, he has made/painted brand new dog houses, a new dog trailer, and some of our fab silent auction prizes this year.

Race: 8 Dog
Home location: Saskatoon, SK
Occupation: Glass Fabricator
Kennel: Battle RIver Kennel
Interests hobbies: Working, Building, Dogs, and Enjoying the Outdoors
Mushing years: 2 years
Mushing experience: Torch River Run 2023

Listen to Dan's Podcast: [sc_embed_player fileurl=""]