Canadian Challenge

Marcel Marin


Marcel is a welcome part of the Challenge...he brings a fabulous team, an awesome sled that seems to fly, a big and generous personality, and a sense of humour that is wicked 😉 We're delighted that he has found time in his racing season to come back to the Challenge, and we can't wait to see him again. Marcel featured on a recent CC Tales podcast where you can hear him talking about loving starting at the back, and how he approaches his racing plans. He is the organiser of the Underdog100 race in his home town of Yellowknife, and will be very busy training his dogs, and looking after his home trails.

Race: 6 Dog
Home location: Yellowknife
Occupation: Truck Driver
Kennel: Underdog
Interests hobbies: Dogs...
Mushing years: 35+
Mushing experience: Underdog100, numerous Canadian Challenges, Caledonia Classic

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